“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.”

                                                                     Oscar Wilde

Be curious! Be bold! Now is your time! I will help you gently peel away the layers to once again reveal the hidden aspects of yourself, starting with your appearance and wardrobe. This will unlock the fabulous psychological benefits of wearing what suits you as an individual. 

Beauty comes from within at any age and particularly as we get older. Our level of confidence plays a key role in our willingness to allow our inner beauty to find expression on the outside. 

The constant media message, especially from the beauty industry, is that we need to battle persistently against aging through anti-aging beauty products and other interventions that will halt the tide of getting older. The message is that we are somehow less valuable, and eventually, over time, these messages begin to erode our confidence as older women. 

There are many ways in which I support my clients to reclaim their confidence, such as the coaching conversation. The other powerful way to reawake our confidence is through our appearance and the fun of discovering which colours and garments bring out the best in us. Our beauty needs are as important as we get older as when we were younger, if not more so. 

I work with women who refuse to join the ranks of the invisible older women. Instead we as, women of a certain age, represent those who embrace the opportunity to rewrite the script to reflect the reality of older women in contemporary society. My clients explore and deal with the transitions associated with the different stages of life by way of coaching and paying attention to their appearance. 

It is time to discover and create your own individual and timeless clothing persona, communicated through the clothes and accessories you choose to wear. In so doing, you will reflect your unique personality rather than slavishly follow the seasonal fashion trends that may fall short of enhancing your unique style. It’s good for you, your wallet and the planet!

I offer the tools that will encourage you to wear your clothes with confidence irrespective of, or perhaps because of, your age. Get in touch via email and we can begin the conversation to design the support you seek.


Dr Angélique du Toit
